Personal DevelopmENT - the whole child approach

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." - Aristotle

"All the subjects at Morley Victoria are useful and help you with later life."  MV Pupil

"PSHE is important as it helps you to feel safe."  MV Pupil

"We do lots of different things at school and that makes me happy." - MV Pupil

"I love that everyone is friends." - MV Pupil

"Morley Victoria places equal emphasis on the personal development of a child as their academic achievements. Everyone involved with the school wants the children to be well rounded individuals." - MV Governor

"As a teacher I care just as much about the personal development of the children in my class, as their academic progress. It is important that they grow up to be happy, safe and responsible citizens. - MV Staff

"I chose Morley Victoria for my child because of the emphasis they put on ensuring that the children get a good education and also become good people. This school is like a family that we are lucky to be part of." - MV Parent

"It’s brilliant how passionate you all are about giving our kids the most rounded experiences you can and you have our support 100%!  You can have the most intelligence in the world, but without the emotional intelligence, it is useless." - MV Parent

"I really like the idea of the 50/50 curriculum as skills and abilities beyond academic attainment should be developed and valued." - MV Parent


At Morley Victoria we recognise and value the pivotal role we play in building the strong emotional foundations that children require in order to thrive and grow into well rounded and healthy adults. As a school, we are committed to ensuring our children are equipped with the social and emotional abilities to be confident, resilient, strong, well-rounded individuals with firm beliefs and who are able to accomplish goals and become responsible citizens. We give very careful thought to all of the experiences that we offer to our pupils to support their wider development and we are delighted with the breadth of opportunities that we offer. The children are excited by these activities because these are carefully and thoughtfully planned.
We teach our children to be polite, well mannered and show great respect for one-another, adults and visitors in terms of culture, beliefs and lifestyle. Staff work relentlessly to ensure that our children feel safe and we have created an environment where bullying and discrimination in any form is not tolerated by adults or children. Pupils are taught how to deal with bullying so that they are equipped for the future should they need it. In the very rare cases bullying happens at Morley Victoria - adults are very quick to put a stop to the situation because there is always someone to talk to. Any issues are dealt with quickly, firmly but fairly and by supporting everyone concerned.
The adults in school have high expectations of the children and as a result they behave exceptionally well - this is testament to the value that the staff place on relationships, which in themselves are exceptional. Our pupils relish the additional responsibilities that they are given such as anti-bullying ambassadors, reading ambassadors, to be on the school council, eco-warriors and diversity defenders - all a very important part of school life.
‘The Whole-Child Approach’ at Morley Victoria has been designed to work along-side ‘A Curriculum that Matters’ to integrate social and emotional learning into the curriculum and promote physical and mental wellbeing, academic achievement and life satisfaction. Please see the booklet about the Whole Child Approach in the blue box on the left hand side of this page.
Through this approach, our children leave Morley Victoria with the ability to: make and maintain friendships; resolve conflicts; manage stress and anxiety; make appropriate and informed decisions; resist negative social pressure; achieve academic potential; respond appropriately to social norms; identify strengths and weaknesses; and value and respect diversity within society. 
Through the ‘Whole Child Approach’ we develop and nurture the following skills in our pupils: