Curriculum Crusaders

“I wanted to set up this group because I knew that the children would have some great ideas about how to make our curriculum even better and they really do!” – Mrs Wood

“Using the power of pupil voice to shape our curriculum to meet the needs of all learners at Morley Victoria is a powerful tool.” – MV Staff

“Giving the children the opportunity to have their say with regards to their curriculum is a great idea – they will have ideas that the Senior Leaders won’t have even thought of!” – School Governor

“My child is a Curriculum Crusader and she loves meeting with Mrs Wood to help to make decisions about what they learn and when.” – MV Pupil


At Morley Victoria we highly value pupil voice so we wanted to offer our children the opportunity to give us some new ideas to help move our curriculum to an even higher level. Our Curriculum Crusaders are a group of children from each class in school who have been selected to represent their class because they have really good ideas and enjoy working hard to make a difference.

One of the first things they learned was about how our ‘Curriculum that Matters’ is based upon the National Curriculum. They then learned how and why different topics were allocated to each year group to give them the big picture and the insight into the initial thought process.

The group meet with Mrs Wood and different subject leaders on a regular basis to discuss what they enjoy about each subject and what they would like to change in order to make it even better! The subject leaders listen to the children’s ideas and answer their questions then they go away and consider how they can incorporate them into their plans moving forward.

The Curriculum Crusaders have the power to shape the curriculum at Morley Victoria as Mrs Wood will consider their thoughts and ideas in the curriculum development plan for the following year, meaning they really will make a difference for every child who attends Morley Victoria!