Careers and Finance
"The future depends on what you do today." - Mahatma Gandhi
"Opportunities don't happen, you create them!" - Chris Grosser
"I really enjoyed the Careers Fair, I spoke to a Graphic Designer about the work he does - it looked amazing!" - MV Pupil
"I learned a lot from talking to Mrs Hardaker about being a teacher. I think I would enjoy being a teacher." - MV Pupil
"As a parent I want to encourage my child to look after their money. It's great that they learn about this in school." - MV Parent
"Encouraging children to consider what they would like to do in the future and developing an excellent work ethic is a true life skill that we teach at Morley Victoria." - MV Staff
"The curriculum at Morley Victoria includes work about careers and finance so the children can learn the importance of this at a young age." - MV Governor
At Morley Victoria we deliver a detailed curriculum around the area of finance and we link it to our work on Investors in Pupils which is about having an understanding of the school budget and how we spend our money in school. It is important that the children have a good understanding about looking after the school environment and everything in it, having respect for their equipment, their toys and games so that they last longer and we don't waste money. The Eco-Council promote the saving of electricity and therefore money; they encourage others not to waste valuable resources such as paper and the school council work alongside to encourage everyone to look after the things that have been bought for them. In doing this we also enlist the support from our Governors, the School Business Manager and the Finance Assistant who talk about their roles and responsibilities in the financial running of our school.
At Morley Victoria we talk about:
- The different ways to spend money and the choices we make
- How we can pay for things
- The cost of items and resources
- The ways in which we can save
- Borrowing money and the risks associated with that
- How we can earn and raise money
We are very lucky that the children often are very passionate about a range of subjects and raise money for a number of different charities. They also save money as part of the youth group and decide how to spend it at the end of the year. We have also had challenges where the children are given some money to ‘grow’, whatever they then earn they can then spend in their classroom!
We talk to the children about different types of jobs from an early age and what skill sets would be required for each occupation. We also talk to the children about what they would like to do when they get older and why. When the children get older we then discuss what route they would need to take to get there and what subject specialisms and character qualities each occupation would require. We also talk about life skills and how to become more independent too.
We link our work on careers to many curriculum subjects where we look at mathematicians, authors, artists, musicians, chefs and designers. We also invite visitors in to talk to the children, including parents and carers, so that they can hear their stories. In assemblies and class discussions we also make links to inspirational people and having a growth mindset attitude to goals you want to achieve.
At Morley Victoria we have also had careers fairs where the children are invited to talk to a range of different people about the jobs they have and what they do. This is always enjoyed by all!
World Of Work Day
Organised by Ahead Partnership, volunteers from various companies and Bradford University visited the Y6 children as part of World of Work Day. The children learned about different careers and pathways into those careers; the skills needed to complete different roles and the reasons behind working. The children also discussed the difference between wants, needs and luxury items to prioritise spending when they do enter the working world. Please see pictures below.