'No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.' Aesop

'Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud' Maya Angelou

"Personal, Social, Health and Emotional Education is vitally important to a child's upbringing and we do everything we can to support this." - MV Staff

"PSHE has always been excellent at Morley Victoria, now it is even better! - MV Governor

"I chose Morley Victoria because of the equal emphasis on PSHE and on the achievements of the children." - MV Parent

"An equal balance of Personal Development and Academic Achievement is of the upmost importance to us at Morley Victoria." - MV Staff

"Our curriculum teaches us how to stay safe." - MV Pupil

"PSHE teaches us important things we need to know for later in our lives." - MV Pupil

"I like how you made the curriculum and that it is about PSHE." - MV Pupil

PSHE education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy, happy and safe, and prepare to live, work in and make a positive contribution to society in modern Britain. Evidence shows that well-delivered PSHE programmes have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils. 

Schools, in partnership with parents, have a vital role in preparing children and young people to negotiate the challenges and opportunities of an increasingly complex world. Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is the school subject that deals with real life issues affecting our children, families and communities. It’s concerned with the social, health and economic realities of their lives, experiences and attitudes. It supports pupils to be healthy (mentally and physically); safe (online and offline) and equipped to thrive in their relationships and careers. PSHE education helps all children and young people — the highest achievers as well as the vulnerable and excluded — to achieve their fullest potential. 

PSHE education:

  • Contributes to physical and mental health and wellbeing, encouraging individual responsibility for health.
  • Contributes to the safety and protection of our children and young people, from staying safe online to understanding risks associated with drugs and alcohol.
  • Promotes independence, resilience and responsibility — preparing children and young people for future roles as parents, employees and leaders.
  • Supports employability by developing the personal and social skills demanded by commerce and industry.
  • Supports pupils to be critical consumers of information, and develops the skills to identify misleading news or views on social media and elsewhere.

Our PSHE Curriculum

You, Me and PSHE

At Morley Victoria Primary School, we base our PSHE Curriculum on the 'You, Me & PSHE' Scheme.                           

You, Me, PSHE is a planning resource which supports the teaching of PSHE education in Key Stages 1 and 2. It can be used either as a complete PSHE programme, or adapted for use alongside current PSHE provision, which is what we do.

The planning resource includes lesson plans, whole school and year group curriculum overviews, assessment activities and resources for teachers to use in lessons. The curriculum overviews enable teachers to track topics across the academic year alongside relevant learning expectations.  The protected characteristics are weaved through our PSHE curriculum and daily life at Morley Victoria.

Each topic in the resources incorporates activities to establish the starting point of learners and assess progress. The topics included are:

  • Careers
  • Drug, alcohol and tobacco education
  • Financial capability and economic wellbeing
  • Identity, society and equality
  • Keeping safe and managing risk
  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Physical health and wellbeing
  • Living and growing

The PSHE Association’s subject Specialist Karen Summers says:

“You, Me, PSHE is a comprehensive and engaging planning resource which supports the teaching of PSHE education across key stages 1 and 2.The learning objectives and outcomes in each of the lesson plans are clear and precise with many opportunities for pupils to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills. Each topic incorporates activities to establish the starting point of learners and also cross-references to resources produced by the Islington Health and Wellbeing team.”

At Morley Victoria we further enhance the positive outcomes of this scheme this scheme through a  whole range of other vital life skills including: Investors in Pupils, Growth Mindsets, PSHE and British Values assemblies, CHIPS (challenging homophobia in primary schools,) British Values, online safety, fire safety, anti-bullying week, stranger danger, first aid training, Stonewall, road safety, water safety, cycling smart and railway safety. Character Education is taught throughout the PSHE curriculum and in fact all aspects of school life.  Altogether we believe this will provide our children with the skills and understanding that they need to manage risks, make informed decisions and negotiate life successfully.

To ensure a positive and safe learning environment for our children during our PSHE lessons we have established a set of ground rules. These ground rules remain consistent throughout school and in all PSHE lesson. The rules are:

  • Listening to others
  • Sharing opinions, right to “pass” and asking questions
  • No assumptions, non-judgemental
  • Using correct or appropriate language
  • Confidentiality
  • Seeking help and advice

If you would like to see what is taught in each year group, please see the long term plans in the curriculum section.