Pupil Voice
"My teacher always gives me chance to put my ideas forward." - MV Pupil
"I feel that the staff really listen to what the children have to say." - MV Pupil
"We vote for the things we would really like to do - we have a say." - MV Pupil
"We are always asked what we think." - MV Pupil
"Everything is done in a very democratic way - we listen." - MV Staff
"We have been very impressed with the way different children speak to us about the school." - MV Governor
At Morley Victoria pupil voice is the key to making it a successful school. The children are encouraged in many different ways to give their thoughts and opinions about how the school runs and operates. Our school council in Key Stage One and Two allows the children to give their views about many different aspects of school life. The school council help us shape the school, after all they are the ones in lessons, in the playgrounds at break and lunchtimes and at our before and after school club.
Each year the pupils carry out a survey about how they feel in school. We then look very carefully at the results and follow up any problems or concerns the children may have. Any child whose answers disagree to any questions are spoken to by their class teachers so that all issues can be resolved. Ensuring our children feel safe and happy at school is our number one priority. Please see the results of a previous year in the below. We now carry out pupil voice as a class discussion which had been very beneficial. Assemblies are carried out before the class discussion and the results are also shared with the children too.
Please CLICK HERE to visit our School Council Page.
Please CLICK HERE to see more about the Eco-Committee.
CLICK HERE to read about our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.
CLICK HERE to read about the Diversity Developers.
SELECT HERE for the Curriculum Crusaders.
If you would like to read the MV Post CLICK HERE.
Please see the results of our most recent pupil questionnaire below...